By Emma Sims

We all go through these seasons of wrestling with what we believe to be truth.
I believe to have Jesus at the center is to have truth at the center. Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. There is so much in that one verse but to explain the truth side of it . . .
I had a vision once of a scarecrow and the scarecrow was filled with straw. I pulled some straw out and it had the word “truth” on it. It was labeled truth, but I knew it wasn’t truth, it was what we thought to be truth. This scarecrow had no life to it.
Then I saw the scarecrow from “The Wizard of Oz”. He had some life to him, but he was still full of straw! Next, I saw Jesus, he had a straw crown and I saw a lamb eating straw. All of a sudden, along came what I know to be the Lion of Judah and with one roar, all of the straw flew away. His mane was golden and there were no words for how beautiful it was. I realised it was a bit like straw but nothing like straw.
As I unpacked this vision, I realised that as Christians, we all believe “a truth”. The only way we can fully know the truth is if we have a relationship with the Jesus that died for our sins, rose again, and reigns in power. The world tries to replicate who he is but a twisted truth is like straw in comparison to the beauty that He is.
Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.
Don’t harden your heart with what has been passed down through generations as tradition or religion. Sometimes verses may be taken out of context or man-made beliefs drilled into us as truths dictate how we operate, but we need to know the one true Jesus. He is Truth! He is the only way to the Father, not by how good we are, not by our works, and not by what we’ve done for God either. It’s ALL about Jesus.

We need to learn how He speaks to us. It’s like learning a new language. It’s letting go of preconceived ideas of who He is. It’s reading His word and learning His character. It starts by surrendering your life to Him and saying “shape me, prune me, refine me, transform me . . . I trust you.” He will so gentle and gracefully teach you to let go of wrong thinking—of empty, man-made religion. He’ll teach you to pick up the TRUTH and walk in your fullness.

Emma Sims is a wife to Ben and a mother of 4 beautiful children. She has been leading the Creative team at New Life Church, Orange, Australia for eight years alongside her husband. She is a worship leader and has served in different areas of ministries in the church since she was eleven. She has a heart for hospitality and has recently opened an Airbnb on their property. Emma is passionate about living in the full revelation of Jesus and the freedom found in a life with Him.
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