By: Melissa Mendez
The dimly lit room, the moments of silence at the end of the night wrapped up in a warm blanket comforting and serene with the gentle aroma of tea lingering in the air, inviting me to savor its soothing essence as my thoughts pour out on paper and deep breaths of surrender are released. A sacred time with Jesus fills my heart with gratitude, this is what Jesus at the center means for me, as the night comes to an end I sit in His presence inviting Him to plan the next day–to come alongside me.
A sacred time with Jesus fills my heart with gratitude, this is what Jesus at the center means for me, as the night comes to an end I sit in His presence inviting Him to plan the next day–to come alongside me.
Busy schedules, piles of laundry, stacks of dirty dishes, kid’s school work, business planning, kid’s and husband’s emotional needs, and the list goes on. No matter where you turn there is always something or someone demanding your attention, that can quickly become heavy and too much to handle. The word tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” So often we grab hold of this verse and forget to ask the Lord what those plans are. A few years ago while I was struggling, overwhelmed and anxious, the Lord highlighted this verse and then he nudged me to also keep reading past it. The next 2 verses read: “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.
I was debilitated by anxiety and fear, I felt like my life was completely falling apart, but as I began to ask the Lord for His plans I quickly realized I claimed that Jesus was my savior but he was not MY Lord. There was such a gap, I was making my own plans and hoping he would just jump on my bandwagon rather than seeking Him for the plans He already had for me. Jesus at the center of my life means seeking Him constantly, I used to think He was only available during morning quiet times but I have learned not to limit Him. I choose to seek him at the start of my day, end of my day, and everything in between.
Jesus at the center of my life means seeking Him constantly, I used to think He was only available during morning quiet times but I have learned not to limit Him. I choose to seek him at the start of my day, end of my day, and everything in between.
Here are 3 tips to keep Jesus at the center of your everyday:
- Ask Jesus what He has planned for you
- Listen to what He has to say (Open your senses to what He is saying)
- Self-reflect, write what His plans look like on a daily basis if you need guidance on this grab your copy of the Restorative Self-Care Planning Journal (Be sure to scan the QR code in the back of the journal for more support)
Melissa Mendez, is the face behind Embracing Royal Beauty. She has many roles in her life that she loves! As a daughter of God, she gets to serve as a wife, home-school mom, and an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, she supports women through life coaching, esthetic services, and business consulting. She is passionate about connecting with women who are in need of implementing regimens in all areas of life. It is an honor to speak wisdom into the lives of women to help them discover the hidden treasures within them. Melissa is committed to pursue a life of wholeness. It’s her mission to bring healing from the inside out to the hearts of women, so they too can embrace their ROYAL BEAUTY and experience the fullness of life.
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