This #writerswednesday marks the start of a new series for the month of December where we’ll be celebrating the authors of UNITED HOUSE. These are people who have published and are working on publishing books with us that have been through the process; they are in a great position to offer advice for writers with books in the works or even just an idea in their heart.
Our first author is Natasha Tubbs, a member of the UNITED HOUSE team who is currently working on her second book. Here’s what she had to say about her process:
How did you know you were supposed to write a book?
In early 2016, I was in the School of Ministry at my church. I was speaking to my mentor of how full I felt. I was bursting at the seams with things God was revealing to me, but I had nowhere to put it. I felt like if I didn’t have somewhere to put all this pent up information, I would lose it in some way. Then, he encouraged me to start a blog. In late 2016, I felt like God was leading me to then step out in faith and publish a book with all that I had written. My first manuscript was born.
How long did it take you to completed your manuscript?
It took about 10 months to write it all, and about 3 months to compile it all into the manuscript. My first has taken almost 2 years.
Everyone has a busy schedule, so when did you find time to write?
During that season, I was a stay-at-home mom and student. I found time to write in between my different activities. I didn’t always balance well, but the Holy Spirit often reminded me that because I was graced to do it, the time will be there. I just had to prioritize and use wisdom. In this, I found time in between work and evenings.
Any advice to someone who is considering writing a book?
One of the hardest things to accept as an author is “Why on earth God would choose me?!” And in that, God always meets us with who He created us to be, His kid. Who better to reveal relationship with the Father than those who have relationship with Him?! If God has placed this call on your life, everything you need to do it is available to you through that relationship. We only need to accept it, and the Holy Spirit does the rest.
What made you decide to publish through UNITED HOUSE?
I had the pleasure of meeting Amber Olafsson before UNITED HOUSE launched. At that time, I was working on my second manuscript, and I knew God was leading me to forego formal publishing (I self-published my first book). As I shared my vision, she encouraged me to consider UNITED HOUSE. After praying, I knew it was right! And so, I joined UNITED HOUSE to publish my work.
What do you wish you had known when you started your book-publishing journey?
Self-publishing can be liberating and exciting, but it doesn’t offer the same support system that you get with a team effort through formal publishing. I believe I chose the right path for both of my manuscripts, but I wish I had a bigger support system for the first as I did for the second. Knowing you have people who are not only supporting you professionally, but spiritually as well is vital!
What advice would you give about releasing your book?
BE PATIENT! Let me say that again. BE PATIENT! This journey is not for the faint of heart. You may want to quit. You may want to hurry it along, but each step is important and necessary for a full complete work. Don’t rush it for the sake of meeting a time goal. Allow God to do His perfect work in you in HIS timing.
Natasha is a proud Army wife and mother of four amazing kids. She is a Board Certified Christian Counselor who is passionate about journeying with each author to write the book burning within their hearts. She is a fire starter and shaker when it comes to seeing God’s people walk in their full identity and purpose! She also loves teaching Discipleship Classes and training Ministry Students in her home church in North Carolina. Of course in her free time, you can find her filled with good food, chatting it up with her girlfriends, or binging on Netflix! She is the author of In Pursuit of Purpose and is publishing her next book, Reignite, with UNITED HOUSE in 2019.
You can get Natasha’s first book, In Pursuit of Purpose, here.
You can find out more about her and read more of her work by checking out her blog, Fiercely Silent.
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