We want to offer help to any Life-giving authors in need. When Publishing companies close or are in a “transition period,” Authors are often left without a publisher. We want offer help to those looking to continue to publish already released works or are planning to publish new books.
If you or someone you know is in need of publishing solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact the UNITED HOUSE Publishing team to see if we have a fit. Our business, print prices, and author agreements are truly unique in the publishing industry, and as a company started by authors, we are pro-author.
UNITED HOUSE Publishing has an established elevated membership program designed to help any previously contracted authors affected by closures of publishing companies.
What we are looking for:
UNITED HOUSE Publishing company is committed to selling Life-Giving and Good News-bringing books that line up with our Biblically based beliefs and Culture Points, please visit both pages to ensure your work falls within those quaifications. These are the types of books we release at UNITED HOUSE, and HERE is list of genres and categories we are publishing at this time. If a book is submitted that we feel does not promote unity in the body of Christ, or line up with our beliefs, we will not be able to publish it. If the author is willing to make changes to a current work to line up with UNITED HOUSE’s mission, we are open to working with authors to achieve a book that is life-giving in all aspects.
Here is what we can offer:
We can quickly get your book (Kindle version or paperback) back into distribution via Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and other book distributing sites.
We can have your books delivered to you at “author pricing” for you to sell and distribute however you choose.
We can turn your works into Kindle versions and or release hard copies with an assisted book re-launch, depending on which membership plan you use.
You will need to provide:
Your press ready files for the cover and interior. If you are joining us from another publishing company, you will need to request your completed cover and interior files. Sometimes there is a fee to pay to break contract and gain permission to reprint completed works. Please contact your current/previous publisher and determine their process. If you only have your manuscript this is fine too. We can reformat it, and create new interior and exterior files. In order to stick to our mission, previously published books are subject to an updated edit of the entire manuscript.
What it will cost you:
Our publishing membership is the same across the board, even for previously published works. Our authors join the elevated membership ($97 per month), or the elevated plus membership ($187 per month) and the length of membership is decided by how much work the book needs to undergo to fit within our life-giving mission, meet our standard of excellence, author participation, and how many books are ahead of you in our editing/formatting “que.” Please visit our membership page to get more info HERE.
Our authors do enter a royalty agreement with us. In exchange for selling their book in our store, formatting services and setting up an ongoing supply to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book selling outlets, we ensure the author gets 50% commission of net profit received from the distributor off all books sold.
If you have further questions, please visit our FAQ page or contact us with specific requests HERE.