It’s Writers Wednesday, and our team has compiled a list of our favorite books that are sure to release hope in your heart. These books teach us how to have hope in even the most painful circumstances, and how to grow our hope to match the truth of the character of God. Check out the list learn why our team loves these reads!

Rooted by Banning Liebscher
“Rooted: The hidden places God develops you is a book which brings hope to the reader with this reminder: where you are isn’t where you’ll always be. It is a book for those who’ve been called into something they are not walking in yet. Be it freedom, leadership, or wholeness, Rooted walks you through the different seasons of life and how God is using each of those to develop something special in us.” -Amber Olafsson, Owner & Founder; Publishing Team

Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life by Shauna Niequist
“Cold Tangerines doesn’t preach on hope, but instead shows a woman working to search for and celebrate “the extraordinary nature of everyday life.” Through a collection of her personal stories, Shauna Niequist exemplifies how to find hope in the midst of a world that tries to hide it. This isn’t a book of advice or techniques. Instead, this book offers reflections on real life that will float through your mind and gift your eyes a perspective as refreshing as cold tangerines.” -Maria Alonso, Revision Team

Woman of Influence by Pam Farrel
“In order to dream one must have hope. This book challenges women to make a difference and inspires them to do so.” -Jessica Bishop, Author Coaching Team

Through the Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko
“This book is a powerful story of walking through unimaginable pain and knowing more of Jesus in the midst. Levi Lusko does an incredible job of using scripture and personal revelation to keep the reader focused on the hope found in eternity. The book’s emphasis on victory and overcoming leaves you with encouragement and tools to conquer seasons of disaster and devastation, whether you’re walking through it now or building a foundation to stand on when it inevitably comes. Levi’s writing is both practical and profound, and the Lusko’s story is marked by hope.” -Kalli Drake, Blog Team
“This book is a story of how to find hope through tragedy and grief. It is a powerful testimony and encouragement to how God uses tragedy for a purpose and how present and constant He is no matter what.” -Kristin Zalaquett, Administrative Team
We compiled an Amazon list of our favorites, here! We hope you enjoy these reads, and be on the lookout for more book recommendations every month!
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