By United House Publishing Team:

We are announcing a new blog theme: Discerning Your Season.
Whether you are in a season of joy, perseverance, or drawing closer to God, it is important to share each one.
Every season has a purpose to help us grow in our faith and to gain a new perspective of God. At United House Publishing, our team wants to share the significance of each season. This blog series will be a reflection of how people discerned their seasons and how God transformed their faith in the process. It will be a time of learning how each season deepens our faith to discern God’s love. Each season will be a display of how God moves and how we are molded into His likeness. Perseverance is a time of learning to stand with grit in the fire but not get burned. Seasons of joy are a reflection of enjoying God’s presence in the secret place rather than being in the limelight. Drawing closer to God is a time of wanting more of God than anything else. The more you draw closer to God the more everything else fades away.
It is the experience of learning how each season gives us purpose to share and uplift one another. When you share how God brought you through each season, this helps others know they are not alone in their season.
Being able to discern the season we are in is when we recognize how God is purifying and guiding us. He shows us we will become stronger in every season we face. The ability to identify how God is building your character in this season shows your trust in Him.
Discerning your season will help you distinguish how your circumstances do not determine the level of your faith. It is tuning in with the Holy Spirit to seek what God is teaching you in each season. The more we are able to see the truth in each season we face the more we have the ability to discern how God is shaping our faith to walk out our callings.
If you want to be a part of this new blog theme send us a DM, and we will send you details.
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