With big families come big trials. Growing up, it seemed that every day we had a problem, mostly with our finances. Whether it was the rent due, the car’s broken windshield wipers, or lacking our next day’s breakfast, we were always in need of a miracle. Anytime we’d have just a little breakthrough, immediately another problem would arise. This was overwhelmingly painful for a child to go through. Some anxious thought was always on my mind, and I could never fully relax in the present without fearing for the future. It only worsened as I grew older and began recognizing the hardships that life can really hold for people.
I remember being so annoyed with my siblings whenever they got excited about some small resolve, knowing all too well there was already another trial at the door. With my heart pounding and tears burning in my eyes, I’d usually scold them for being so happy for these “little miracles.” I wanted to protect them and prepare them for the next trial, but really, I was only breeding anxiety and negativity.
A lot changed when I made the decision to know and follow Jesus personally. No, things did not change for my family (things actually got worse), but I changed. He changed me. I stopped living with worry. I really stopped spreading negative thoughts and actually became grateful for the smallest blessings that would come my family’s way, even encouraging my siblings to do the same.
This new outlook on life, or really new attitude, was birthed by going to Jesus and telling Him about the problem every time I felt anxious. Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah,” and I took that as fact.
It wasn’t just that Bible verse, however, but the presence of Jesus Himself that moved me to do this. I don’t know how He did it, but the more I spent time with Him, the more He revealed Himself to me as a friend, someone who wanted to know everything that was on my mind and heart. That friendship honestly just kept inspiring me to go back to Him again and again. I always felt peace when I did. I knew I could trust Him; He proved that.
He became my hiding place from all my worries. He became my shield from all my problems. He was my comforter in the storm, my shade in the heat. He was so amazing, and the peace He gave only grew richer as I sought after Him. I adored locking myself in a room, or physically hiding myself in some area to get alone and talk to Him. What usually ended up happening was I would get so stuck on how good He was that I’d forget my issue altogether.
I do not know what you’re going through right now, what stress could be on your mind or heart at the moment, but I do know someone who can take that all away if you would go to Him. He wants to be your friend, to be that one person that you can run to with anything that is on your mind, good or bad. I don’t say this just because; I say this from experience. Go to Jesus and hide there with Him, and you’ll find something beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.
Author | Abby Elijah
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