Enneagram 1s have a basic desire to be good. They have a clear sense of right from wrong and believe in the prevailing of justice and the triumph of good over evil. Therefore, the basic truth 1s know is that … Read the rest
Waiting Well
How many of us can actually say we wait well? From traffic, to doctor’s appointments, to seasons of stillness, it can feel like God is dragging us along in moments of waiting where He is actually inviting us closer to … Read the rest
Relieving the Pressure of What’s Next
Since publishing my book, I’ve felt at a loss for what’s next. Have you ever been there? You finally get that thing you’ve been working towards, or you’re accepted into that program you’ve longed for. Maybe you got that … Read the rest
I Am Free
It was like a blow to the chest,… Read the rest
Knocking the wind from my lungs,
That moment I realized…
I was still in the place where you hurt me.
Time has past,
You are now gone,
But the echoes remain.