I am not a fan of uncertainty. I like to be sure. I like to have answers. I like to have control. But I am learning there is more peace in surrender than in control.
Surrender in this season looks like walking into the biggest transition my husband and I have faced so far in our almost six years of marriage. It is a transition where there are more questions than answers. A transition that makes it easy for us to be filled with fear and anxiety, but it is my choice whether I live in that fear and anxiety or not.
It is easy to say I do not want to live in fear and anxiety during transitions, but actually living without fear and anxiety in the midst of transition tends to be much harder. I have found that the more I actively keep my eyes on Jesus the more of His faithfulness I see and the more that His peace is overflowing out of my soul. Because He is Peace. He says in John 14:27 (NIV), “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
I am human and sometimes I lose sight. I lose sight of how faithful He is. I start comparing my story (of transition or not) to someone else’s and I start losing sight of God’s goodness and faithfulness in my own. This is usually when fear and anxiety rear their ugly heads and try to knock me out. They tried a few weeks ago, but my Heavenly Father lovingly embraced me with conviction and correction and reminded me to get my eyes up and on Him. It took me turning on some worship music and going back to Scripture to remind my soul of who He is. Because that is what I need. I need to be reminded of His faithfulness, of His love, of His presence, and the fact that He is going before me. I need to be reminded, especially in times of transition, of who He is.
He is faithful. He is present. He is with me and you in the tasks that He has called us to. Sometimes transition is hard, but when you have a God who wants to be an intricate part of your life it makes the transition a little easier, because He is faithful. He can be trusted. He is with you. He is going ahead of you preparing the way.
If you are struggling through a transition, can I encourage you? Put on some worship music, spend time with Jesus and His Word (not just words of other people about Jesus), be intentional about watching Him move. He is moving in even the smallest ways of every season of transition, because He is faithful, loving, good, and kind.
Author | Meghan Griffiths

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