Happy 2019! Although we’re at the end of January, we’re still at the very beginning of a brand new year, a new year that’s filled with opportunities and possibilities no matter your situation. It’s always sad to see holidays come and then go so quickly, but it always stirs a little bit of newness. This month, we have a clean slate. It’s the first month of twelve that can either be used or wasted. I typically use the month of January to launch my new year. I spend time planning out goals that I want to be achieved by the end of the year. Here’s how I do it:
The first thing I do is write them down. In my journal, I list everything I want either accomplished or changed by the end of the year. What do I want my life to look like on December 31st of 2019? Where do I want to be? What do I want to have? Who do I want around me? What do I want to have learned? How many books do I want to have read? What is my physical condition going to be like?
The next thing I like to do is make it visible. I’m a visual thinker and learner, so I take large poster board or butcher paper and write out my general goals and Bible verse for the year, and I hang it on my wall. This year, I have almost a whole wall in my bedroom dedicated to my goals. This way, I’m constantly reminded of my expectations for the year so I don’t give up on my goals halfway into January.
Then, the most important thing I do is I pray over the goals I’ve set. I make sure that these goals I’ve set for myself line up with God’s will. I ask for Him to give me the courage, perseverance, and efficiency to reach these goals. Without Him, we can accomplish nothing.
This year my goal is to read a Proverb each day of the year, for the whole year, over and over again along with my regular Bible reading. My reading goal is to read 52 books this year. I’m going to dive deep into the gospels and hope to share what I learn on my blog, The Fearless Journey.
Of course, my most important goal for this year is to allow God to use me completely every day in the seemingly small and the big things. I want to challenge you to wake up every morning this year and just tell God that you make yourself completely available to Him. Ever since I’ve started praying this prayer, I’ve seen God do amazing things in my own life. Two years ago, I never would have started a blog or got up on stage in front of a congregation of people making myself completely vulnerable to others. God will do AMAZING things through you in 2019 if you let Him, and I hope to be encouraging and cheering you on all the way!
Author | Annie Britt

Hey y’all, I’m Annie, and I’m the author of The Fearless Journey blog! Here’s a few things to know about me: my favorite thing to do is curl up under a cozy blanket with my books and a good cup of coffee. I’m a bit of a makeup junkie, a shopaholic, and cookie dough is my jam. But, the most important thing to know about me is that I am a girl on a mission to spread the love of Jesus through my words and actions. Every day, God teaches me something new, and I hope to share my journey to becoming fearlessly faithful on my blog, The Fearless Journey.
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