Oh how my heart breaks a little,
Each time I see you cry.
With your eyes full of tears,
And your heart in despair,
Remember this -
I will always care.
Come to me with your thoughts and feelings,
Rest your head upon my shoulder.
Speak out your fears and worries,
I will listen without judgement.
For it is only when problems are shared,
That they can be halved and solved.
Nothing will be too big or bad for me to hear.
Come to me, with it all.
Together, we can talk it through.
Remember this -
For there is another one,
Who will listen just the same.
I think you have heard of him,
Jesus, is His name.
He is a light upon our darkness,
And our strength when we are weak.
Tell Him all, good and bad
He will help you find what you seek.
As He understands more than most,
He walked the Earth, amongst the meek,
Encouraging and healing those who believed.
So when your eyes begin to fill,
And your heart becomes heavy,
Come to me.
Rest your head upon my shoulder,
For a little while longer.
Together we will pray to Jesus,
To give us strength,
And to light the way.
We will dry our tears,
And as our hearts become lighter,
The future will seem much brighter.
Praise to Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.
Together we will never have to walk alone.
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18:2 NIV
When I was a child and had hurt myself playing, the person I would turn to was my mother. With a kiss, a cuddle, and maybe a band-aid, I was all better and ready to keep on playing. From these simple actions,I knew I could turn to her whenever I needed to no matter what age I was. She was my safe place, my refuge. Since becoming a mother myself, I am now a safe place for my son. He knows he can come to me at anytime with his thoughts, concerns, and any bumps or scratches.
Just as we provide a safe place for our children, God is a safe place for us. He is not just a place to seek out when we are in times of trouble or sadness, but a place to be in all the time. God wants us to know that He is with us all the time and is always there to help us.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 NIV
God gives us the strength to go through the toughest of times. It is through the relationship we have with God and His word that we can come to trust Him and rely on Him throughout our lives. There are many passages in the Bible that remind us that God is our strength, our fortress and our refuge. This is one:
“You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.” Psalm 59:17 NIV
Dear God, thank You for giving us strength when we need it most and for providing us with a safe place. Let our actions and words show others the power of Your strength and love. Amen.
Author | Marie Fox

Marie Fox lives in a small country town in Southern Australia. She has always had a passion for reading and has recently started writing. She is a mother to one, papercrafter at ,and enjoys playing grass hockey. Find her on Instagram @myfriendlythoughts. Check out her business on Instagram at @craftyfoxcards and her website www.craftyfoxcards.com.
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