by Mary Garner

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103.
God’s love is sweeter than honey. What a beautiful phrase that depicts the sweetness and beauty of God’s love for us!! It wasn’t hard for me to write this post because I have seen God’s love and felt the touch of His hand in my life. I can say truthfully as I have grown in my walk with the Lord that His love truly is sweeter than honey, but let’s try to put this in modern day terms that will help everyone understand how David (the Psalmist who wrote this passage) was feeling about his Lord. As we think about the time this was written, honey was the sweetest tasting food available.
Once you had a taste of honey, it filled your senses with so much pleasure. David was saying that the words God spoke to him were sweeter and more enjoyable than the sweetest tasting food he had ever known. He was saying that God’s fellowship with him was more beautiful and sweeter than anything this world could ever offer. He was the king, and we understand from reading the Bible that David had so much, and God blessed him with many worldly gifts, and despite all of the money and land and area that he ruled . . . he proclaimed that his relationship with God was better than all of those things.
So, I look at my own life for a moment and wonder how precious my relationship with God is. His hand has held me when the raging waters of grief and sorrow have swept over my head in an attempt to drown me.

His strength has flowed through me when there was not a single ounce of my own strength left and no reason to keep living. His banner over me was always love even in the darkest nights where the voices and doubts in my head tried to win as they declared me a hopeless and unlovable person. When the fires of trials and afflictions raged all around me, He stood with me in the fire as He promised there was a purpose and I would come forth as gold when the fire went out. His peace filled me when my life was turned upside down and all that I saw for my life disappeared. When worldly love failed, His love prevailed and remained sure and steadfast.
- This world will sell you many different things that will “make you happy.”
- Fame
- Fortune
- Popularity
- Marriage
- Love
- Children
- Followers
- Big House
- Big Yard
- A Family
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Sex
- Pleasure
You name it and the world will throw it your way with its convincing darts piercing you and telling you this is the missing link you have been looking for to make you happy. I’ve seen it all and wished for it all. None of it matters or can hold a candle when compared to Jesus. There are many passages of Scripture where Jesus warns us how every single thing in this world is fleeting and will one day pass away, and yet for all these years He has remained the same and been steadfast.
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35 KJV.
“They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.” Hebrews 1:11-12 KJV
A true peace fills your heart and soul when you let God and His love define you. When you truly believe that His love is all that you will ever need, you will start living and loving differently. His love is sweeter than the brightest and most glorious sunrise or sunset. His love is sweeter than the most fragrant flower. His love is sweeter than the view from the top of a mountain or the feel of the water and sand on your feet and between your toes.
I hope and pray that as you come to the end of this article, you will be challenged and encouraged to start doing a study in your devotions of God’s love and claim this beautiful truth and for yourself. “God’s Love is Sweeter than Honey.” I pray that you will get a renewed sense of wonder for our dear Heavenly Father and the love that He so freely lavishes on His children.

Mary Garner is 22 years old and she loves writing about God in all that He has done in her life. She also enjoys writing Christian Fairy-tales as she imagines a world where the spiritual battles talked about in the Bible are fought in a renaissance setting. Mary receives so much joy sharing her stories with others and watching as they see Christ’s truth in a new way. You can always find her singing and dancing with a smile on her face whether she is working, writing, cleaning, or spending time on adventures with her family. I have a love for Jesus, kids, my family, reading, writing, nature, and coffee!!!
I never thought about honey being the sweetest thing in David’s time 🤯